More Impact. More Money. More Freedom. In Just 5 Steps. (No Fluff).

I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

Stephanie Hess Coaching

September is an amazing time to sign private and corporate clients—here’s why and how you can do it.

September 14, 20232 min read

As a kid, this time of year would bring a mix of nausea and nerves, feelings of independence, and excitement.

As a professional, this time of year meant promotions, new roles or opportunities.

And as a coach and entrepreneur, this is a time to create and to serve—and to grow your confidence, clients and cash as a result.

Known as one of the “months of changes”, September is a time where inner awakenings that can occur during the “summer slowdown”—lead to big outer changes for individuals and companies.

In the business world, hiring managers and decision makers have returned to the “office”, and departments are sometimes thinking about creative ways to spend and optimize Q4 budgets.

According to numerology, September is a “power month” as the number nine represents transitions and creation. There’s even a national holiday encouraging creativity, known as Live Creative Day on September 14.

And from a pop culture perspective, there is new fashion, a la Fashion Week—and a new football session, courtesy of the NFL. Go Eagles!

Simply put, there’s no better time to tap into the creative power “in the air” than now.

If you’re looking to sign your next client and feel rooted in creativity and service as you do it, here is language I might use to reach out to a prospective client:

“Hey Name, just checking in.

Each month I reserve a few slots on my calendar to support leaders in my network. In a 20-minute call, we talk about what’s exciting you and challenging you, and how can we think creatively right now.

By the time we’re done, people walk away with a bit more clarity and confidence about where they’re going—and one action step they can take right now.

Curious, would one of the spots interest you at the moment? And if you're good for now, I love that.”

Make this invitation to people who fascinate you—and watch your own “power month” unfold.

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Stephanie Hess

Stephanie help coaches and other experts achieve ‘moonshot’ goals. Like how to have 10-30 of the right clients each year who pay well so you can enjoy an amazing quality of life and contribution.

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Hi there, I help coaches and other experts achieve ‘moonshot’ goals. Like how to have 10-30 of the right clients each year who pay well so you can enjoy an amazing quality of life and contribution.

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