More Impact. More Money. More Freedom. In Just 5 Steps. (No Fluff).

I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

Stephanie Hess Coaching

Stop trying to be perfect for your clients.

January 30, 20231 min read

More than ever girls and women feel the pressure of perfection. The need to be perfect. It’s messaging that starts at an early age and follows us well into the future.

Society tells us to have our sh*t together.

And then real life happens. Things get messy. And we carry the shame.

In the past 24 hours…

I awoke to a hungry baby at 3:47am. Later on as I laid him back down in his bassinet, with wearable pumps attached to me pumping more milk, I leaned forward too far in my half-asleep haze. Milk spilled everywhere.

5 hours later, being short on child care; I loaded up the car to travel to a friend’s house who would watch the baby while I worked. While placing the baby in his car seat with not a minute to spare, a massive explosion hit his diaper.

15 minutes later while on our drive, I opened a jar of overnight oats I had thrown together the night before just to ensure I’d manage to eat that morning. I took one bite and then spilled it down my shirt.

30 minutes after that I showed up, in all of my mess, and led a group coaching call for clients.

The message being: when life gets messy, because it always will…show up anyway.

As I shared my “mess” the group relaxed. They then took turns sharing theirs.

Stop trying to have it all together, have all the answers, or look perfect for your clients. You’ll be far more impactful when they see you as messy and human, too.

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Stephanie Hess

Stephanie help coaches and other experts achieve ‘moonshot’ goals. Like how to have 10-30 of the right clients each year who pay well so you can enjoy an amazing quality of life and contribution.

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