More Impact. More Money. More Freedom. In Just 5 Steps. (No Fluff).

I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

Stephanie Hess Coaching

This 1 thing is required to make multiple six-figures in your coaching business

February 07, 20242 min read

Many coaches tell me they want to earn $250,000/year in their coaching business.

Some say more, some say less. But this is the most common figure I hear. I have a few theories as to why I think that is, but, different post for a different time.

The problem is, the overwhelming majority of them aren’t doing what is required to create that.

For example, let’s assume that in order to earn that, one would need to make $750,000 in proposals that year, (3x the goal), or, $83K in proposals each month.

This is assuming an industry average 30% enrollment rate and working 9 out of 12 months. Either numbers can be adjusted and personalized accordingly.

Now let’s say it’s $10K to work with you. This means you’ll need to make +/-8 proposals each month, or 2 every week.

Totally doable, however this is where the majority of people fall short.

They rarely get the numbers they need in terms of conversations/call bookings for this to take place.

Ultimately, they’re not doing the most important thing required to meet their financial goals.

But instead of addressing and solving that, they’re spending resources improving their website, losing tons of cash running paid advertising that doesn’t yield a return, focusing on “marketing” or “creating content” which is a long term game, and attending networking events that rarely result in clients, I could go on and on…

I know the hustle because I once did all of these things too.

And I now know there is a far easier, far faster way to create what you really want: more clients, more cash, and more confidence knowing your business is on the right track.

If that’s what you most want too, you now know the #1 thing that is required to create that.

The only thing that remains is—what support do you actually need to make it happen?

I’d love to support you with a conversation to figure all of that out.

If you’d like that, schedule a 20-minute chat. I assure you it will be well worth your time, or that’s what most people tell me anyway :)

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Stephanie Hess

Stephanie help coaches and other experts achieve ‘moonshot’ goals. Like how to have 10-30 of the right clients each year who pay well so you can enjoy an amazing quality of life and contribution.

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Hi there, I help coaches and other experts achieve ‘moonshot’ goals. Like how to have 10-30 of the right clients each year who pay well so you can enjoy an amazing quality of life and contribution.

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