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I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

Stephanie Hess Coaching

Turning fear of rejection into a coach’s superpower

January 11, 20241 min read

Turning fear of rejection into a coach’s superpower

A client shared with me recently that the thing they’re most afraid of in the world is rejection.

If you were to read this person’s resume, you’d probably be shocked by that admission.

Before exploring their fear, I asked them:

“Tell me about your 3 biggest career accomplishments so far.”

This is someone who has facilitated leadership programs inside the government that garnered bipartisan support.

Someone who has led coaching inside some of the most recognizable household name company headquarters.

And someone whose corporate clients regularly tell them they’re forever grateful for the transformational work they’re doing together.

Prior to accomplishing each of these things, they described having worried about people not liking them and rejecting their ideas or teachings.

This fear was strengthened as a child growing up in a family who saw them as different.

But they did the things anyway.

As our discussion progressed, in a moment’s notice the client realized the following:

Meaning doesn’t come from people liking them, it comes from giving their gifts in the most authentic way possible, their sole focus and job.

And when they focus on that, everything changes. For them, and their clients.

Scan back over the times in your career when you feared rejection, dismissal or criticism…

What did you manage to create anyway?

What are you going to create next?

You are more powerful than you know.

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Stephanie Hess

Stephanie help coaches and other experts achieve ‘moonshot’ goals. Like how to have 10-30 of the right clients each year who pay well so you can enjoy an amazing quality of life and contribution.

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