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I've written every week for 3 years...

Read for one insight that could change everything for you.

Stephanie Hess Coaching

From exhausted to energized: How I call in the right support as business owner and mom

February 01, 20243 min read

From exhausted to energized: How I call in the right support as business owner and mom

It was 7:15PM and I was sitting in the rocking chair putting my son to sleep.

I was exhausted.

I started to replay the day in my mind.

7AM: Wake up, change, clean, feed, and play with a delightful, energetic toddler.

Figure out and prepare meals for the day.

Make the necessary calls and outreach to family and friends.

Tend to any needs around the home.

Make time for the outdoors and age-appropriate activities.

Exercise 20-30 minutes.

Work 4-5 hours: prepare, meet with, and serve clients. Check in with my team.

Prepare dinner, wash dishes, clean the kitchen.

Bathe, dress, play, and get our son ready for bed.

In my reflection it dawned on me, that, for the past 12 hours, I had been ON.

Full on integration of working mama life.

And while I chose, designed and created this life that I love, it can also be exhausting at times.

Which is why I need to personally take space so I can be the best version of myself for the people in my home and for those outside of it.

I need to give myself time. I need to ask for and receive proper support, and be a space for it to come.

Because I refuse to pass on a dysfunctional belief, pattern or energy to my son that women must do, be and shoulder it all.

…and then show up irritable, overwhelmed, and resentful as the leaders of our homes.

So later that night, I asked my partner for time to myself the next day, and he rearranged his schedule to make it happen.

Did he oblige because he’s a wonderful, supportive partner and wants to make me happy? Yes.

And is it possible that my clarity and desire and belief played a part as well? That I had to ask for proper support and be a space for it to come? 1,000%.

Because there is massive power in how you think about, interact with, engage with and work with the world around you.

So, the next day I spent a few hours in a coffee shop with just me and my laptop, I visited with a friend, and I got a haircut and a blowout—the things I most desired for the day.

And as I was sitting in the salon chair, a few “tiny miracles” occurred. I was offered a delicious latte. And soon after, a relaxing hand massage, both compliments of the salon. I felt so taken care of, so pampered.

And at that moment, I chuckled to myself.

I realized that, because I had taken the time for myself and became a space to receive the proper support I needed and desired, people were trying to support me from every direction. The Universe was trying to support me.

And that’s always the way it gets to be if I choose it.

The next time you’re having a moment of exhaustion, resentment or feelings of burnout, it could be a signal that you need to ask for - and then allow yourself to receive - more support.

What would that look like for you?

That day I returned home from the salon, I was rejuvenated—to put it mildly. I was full of gratitude, calm and inner peace. I walked through the door with a full cup.

And for me, that’s the only place I want to pour from.

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Stephanie Hess

Stephanie help coaches and other experts achieve ‘moonshot’ goals. Like how to have 10-30 of the right clients each year who pay well so you can enjoy an amazing quality of life and contribution.

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